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Vinyl Season (Spring)


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Hey yallz,

Starting this quarterly vinyl only mix thang of sorts. Spring time, my favourite time of the year :D



1. Jamie XX - Far Nearer

2. Julio Bashmore - Everybody Needs a Theme Tune

3. Outboxx - Kate Libby

4. Deadboy - Here 4 U

5. Milyoo - Kazaduon

6. Gil Scott-Heron & Jamie XX - I'll Take Care of U

7. Doc Daneeka - Hold On

8. Ossie - Power of Love

9. James Fox - New Jack Swing

10. Julio Bashmore - Craboon

11. Gatto Viola X Doc Daneeka - Backstabbin' Angie

12. Damu - Mermaid

13. Donga & Blake - Grown Ups

14. Arkist & Kidkut - One Year Later

15. Braiden - The Alps

16. Sigha -

17. Lando Kal - Further

18. SBTRKT - Laika

19. Bok Bok - Silo Pass

20. Kingdom - Fogs

21. Teeth - CNT

22. Unknown - Sicko Cell

23. Arkist - Fill Your Coffee

24. Airhead & James Blake - Lock the Lion

Hope youze enjoy :eyebrows:

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