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Required Processing Power


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I have an old computer still using windows xp. its specs are as folllows:

2.9ghz P4 processor

1gb RAM

80GB HDD + 320gb external

Will this ^ be able to run some sort of dj software used in conjunction with a MIDI controller (like a numark Mixtrack Pro or Numark ____ control)?

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yes... will be ok for most d.j software + midi controller...

I ran a ASUS 2.4 P4 running XP pro with 1 gig of ram for a long time ( 4 years ) before I got my new HP i5

you will need to tune your XP for audio

might need to up-grade your RAM to 2 gig

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im just running a toshiba laptop


2g ram

500 hardrive

500mg graph card

its nothing spesh

but before this i was runnig ableton and traktor on a windows xp 80 gig hard drive (always full to the brim, constantly having to clean shit out), 1 gig ram, some shit procecor, and it did ok...wasnt ideal though

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yer man, I still use a 1.8ghz processor with traktor scratch pro, timecode on cds and a midi controller for fx control.

2gb ram is a good idea but thats a well ez cheap fix you can diy.

chk the system requirements for the specific software you're thinking of buying of course.

and do wazza's tune for audio too:


http://www.ausdjforums.com/modules.php? ... pic&t=5026

big up wazza

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ok cool.

Could I just increase the virtual memory to 1.5gb so total memory is 2.5gb?

O and i could delete nearly all the software for like internet related issues (antivirus) coz I will not be using internet on it.

So running the system nearly completely barebones except for the dj software and the music.

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i dont know about virtual memory mate. IMO you cant beat a nice PCB of hardware of RAM.

I wouldnt lose all the internet stuff tho, you'll still want to do updates. Just disable the wifi adaptor in device manager and turn the internbet security shit off when you dont need it.

chk the link from wazza above mate.

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got a crappy old ibm R52 laptop here, so bad it was chucked out at my old job. pentium M, 1.86GHz. 2gb ram on XP. Only really used for my kids reading games and TSP. handles trakor just fine. I did get some crap on it that slowed everything down, just restored O/S to a couple of months ago sagve point and it runs nicely again

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