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Buying a laptop


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Looking to purchase a laptop, mainly for university, but will want to produce very soon.

So in terms of puchasing a decent laptop, what are some people's recommendations?

Yes I have looked at MacBook Pro's, but PC, because obviously the cash flow isn't high and mighty. Looking around $2500, any ideas?

HP or Toshiba? etc

Would I need an external soundcard?

Thanks in advance :)

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why pay 2500 for a laptop when you can get one a lot cheaper and still have what you need - unless its addons that the more expensive ones promise

I would be buying the acer or a toshiba laptops

they last longer

but do your homework before spending any money

http://www.notebookreview.com can give you all the reports on laptops you need

example - topic:

Most Popular Laptops for July 2009


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bought a toshiba laptop for my wife not too long ago after a long search. We paid about $2500, well spec's comp and very nice to use.

I use it as an alternate for dvs, works much better than my computer, but that is using external soundcards. keep in mind you'd get one kick -ass tower for the price of an average laptop, but if you need it for uni too, that forces you the laptop route.

external soundcard would be recommended. you could use on-board but for producing you really want to get honest sound, which an on=board card really won't do all that well

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I can buy and setup a GOOD system for less than 700.00

its easy when you work in the industry and know what is out there that the wholesalers sell and at what price

but to get wholesale prices you have to be a computer business (Of which thats what I do all week)

have a nice day

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