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Copyright Restrictions - Justified or Overboard


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All these copyright legalities really make it difficult for DJ’s to share mixes online.

IMO I believe this will make it more difficult for up and coming DJ’s to gain exposure via the Interweb.

I can understand why these restrictions are put in place, but I want to know

1. Do you think is it justified for this type of application (DJ’s sharing their mixes)

2. Is there a way around it

I mean at the end of the day, there are certain types of people that profit from copying / recreating music…. But I’m just a DJ that likes to have a spin and share the music with my friends.

I guess there is no way for the record companies etc to ascertain which one of those people you are.


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I was around for the birth of Napster, all fun and games till Metalica busted asses!

Maybe if cd's and vinyl wasn't soooo overpriced back in the nineties, we wouldn't have the download generation.

Personaly I like to get a physical copy of things i buy, but i'm old!

I think if you post a mix, make no money, and its def modified form it's og form, it should be overlooked.

As a wannabe producer of hip hop, I wonder how the hell i would ever get permission to use the samples i do.

Letalone pay royalties. What shits me is that every fri morning on Tripple j some Indie shit band, rapes out a version of a good song! which is a cover, which is legal. If i use .5 of a second of the word yeah! i'm a criminal.

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