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Latest live mix Wednesday 22-9-10


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Hey beatless, sounds good mate!. the first mix sounded ever so slightly out of time.

One thing you can do is bring the second song in not by cross fader, but by volume... because you know what the next song is, and noone else does, you can adjust the temp whilst the volume is still low before you bring it up to full volume. That way, any adjustments you make are so minor, that its extremely hard to pick.. makes for a very smooth mix.

Hope that helps. Top mix though, its never easy mixng over the top of vocals

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nice bouncy mix, has a great energy about it.

and yea like Raptor said, experiment with different ways of track transition - remember the crowd knows nothing, so bring it to them 8)

also liked how you mixed vocal areas and non vocal areas; good to bring people in and out of their trance (no pun intended)

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