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USB 2.0 bus


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this is good as it allows for external power source. but what you need to look out for is one that allows max throughput to all ports.

djtt had a good article on it (ill dig in a sec).

but basically some hubs make it such that it shares the speed of the single usb port. i.e. if you have four things running, they are each only getting the throughput of 1/4 the speed of your lappys USB port.

as opposed to the good ones, guarantee max thruput for all ports on the hub.

anyways ill find the article.

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haha. oops totally got it wrong.

now i remember the issue is if you have a USB 1.0 device (which most soundcards and midi devices are) and USB 2.0 devices on most USB ports. all devices will run at USB 1.0 speed. here was my post which has links to the djtt article and a belkin one which guarantees max thruput

hi one thing related to USB ports (sorry fab but not necessarily power) is that they are very tricky in terms of thruput if you are using both usb1 (which a lot of sound cards or midis run on) and usb2 devices in the hub.

i read that if you mix them they will all run at usb1 thruput. also something about a hub will only share the capacity of that usb port.

however you can get hubs that guarantee dedicated thruput; and if plugged in equal power coming thru all devices.

i have a belkin one (its the ovaly looking ones that can stack).

in a sec ill post pics, links and the article (i think it was dj techtools)

EDIT: okay found article. as below.

so it says as long as its powered then all ports can have max power.

http://www.djtechtools.com/2010/01/25/u ... j-hi-spee/

and in regards to the tetra belkin usb hub (which can handle usb 1 and usb 2 at full performance) i couldnt find it in oz and i think its superseeded so i bought this

http://www.officeworks.com.au/retail/pr ... 2EE7737600)ID1522395655DB01875142119983057922End;saplb_*=(J2EE7737600)7737655

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