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Live Electro Practise mix


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From the whinge thread... Here is my mix, warts n all. Some nasty moments (Get Stoopid to whatever the song is I played next) and some not too bad. Overall a good learning experience. And filled my evening when I really had more important things to be doing. I didn't intend to end it when I did. Again I got stuck looking for a song and thought that what I had would do.

Didn't bother with time-stamping this. But I listed the tracks I can actually remember. The unknown one might actually be 2 unknown ones, I am not even sure of that much.

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I must've done better in some parts then I thought? I am going through using Soundhound to work out my mystery songs. Just running it at sections I am not 100% on and I have got one more song I didn't even realise cause when I listened through I wasn't sure if they were part of the another song cause it seemed pretty seamless.

Anyway... Timestamps are updated. From about 25:00 onwards it is actually pretty good (in my opinion). I musta been getting used to what I was doing as I was going.... Fast learner?

Feedback please?

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Personally I am not a fan of the schizophrenic mixing where songs are changed every minute or so (besides the technical ability to do so). Good songs have an ebb and flow to them and take you on a little journey. I guess the real cheesy electro tunes can get mixed out quickly, and there were a few of those in the middle. But they are not my normal style that I play.

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Only problems I could hear were that sometimes it felt like tunes dragged on for too long, other than that, most transitions were pretty tight (although I don't listen to enough electro to be a fair judge of this)

I have been thinking about this comment and appreciate this feedback and something I will definitely take on board. Thinking on my mixes I tend to let nearly every song play through, when in some cases this is probably not the best thing to do. I guess when trying to build energy letting a song drop is possibly not the best idea?

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As much as we would all like to present great music journeys, the average listener on a mixtape or at a live gig doesnt give two shits and has the attention span of 30 seconds.

For anything electro/house/trap etc just smash them in otherwise most people will say it gets boring, even if it it's great.

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