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what version of traktor are you on


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hey all. im still on 1.2.4 because i know 1.2.5 killed a lot of peoples setups, and then never got around to 1.2.6 even though that one seemed fine.

only cuz ive been reading about 1.2.7 and everyone is saying its causing drop outs or crappy sounds from the audio 4/8's. good to hear people opinions here as there are a few now (sorry to all those still waiting).

so for now im sticking with trusty 1.2.4. anyone moved on?

might be worth saying what you rocking too.


audio 8

Windows XP SP3

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tsp 1.2.6

audio 8

latest mac os (at work cant remeber the exact release)

1.2.6 has been magic havnt had one problem with it using both timecode and HID

didnt realise 1.2.7 was out but will wait and see how people go with it, cant risk upgrading with my gig in brissy this weekend

edit: id recommend upgrading to 1.2.6 i had a few minor hiccups with 1.2.4

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yeah for sure id wait. not sure when it came out, i dont regularly check but noticed 2 seperate threads on NI this morn about people saying they had to roll back not only traktor but also the bundled in drivers for the soundcard.

i think 1.2.6 might still be available but maybe ill just wait for 1.2.8 or 1.3!

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yeah i thinks 1.2.7 is another one to skip. another 3 threads have come up today (one german, one possibly italian and i dont remember the 3rd).

now i know whingers or haters are always more likely to post on the internet but if its worse case scenario especially for the giggers i'd stay clear.

since i dont do shyte all with traktor other then right click load track i have never bothered to update, but on the other hand i usually like to keep my stuff up to date so i dont want to be on 1.2.4 forever.

itll be good in a month there'll be like 80% of us rocking traktor! :D

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