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Sub-bass is a term used to describe audible sounds below 90 Hz and extending downward to include the lowest frequency humans can hear, typically 20 Hz. Sound systems often feature one or more subwoofer loudspeakers that are dedicated solely to amplifying sounds in the sub-bass range. Sound below sub-bass is called infrasound.

Sub-bass can also refer to a bass guitar that has greater than normal low frequency capabilities, such as heavier strings with lower tuning.[

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20 Hz is considered the normal low frequency limit of human hearing. When pure sine waves are reproduced under ideal conditions and at very high volume, a human listener will be able to identify tones as low as 12 Hz.[2]

Audio tracks known as bass tests use sub-bass frequencies which are used to test or to demonstrate the capabilities of audio equipment. Very few subwoofers can reproduce sound below 30 Hz.

Sub-bass energy is popular in dance music and dub reggae, where the low frequencies involve energy from the kick drum, the bass guitar and electronic synthesizers. Other genres such as dubstep often feature the whole bass-line reproduced in sub-bass frequencies, perhaps with sub-bass guitar rather than bass guitar. Much experimental music uses sub-bass, in particular drone music, where the majority of the sound can often be in the sub-bass range. Heavy metal bands such as Cephalic Carnage, Avenged Sevenfold, Guns N' Roses and The Devil Wears Prada have used sub-bass drops in their songs

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sub bass is the bass you cant always hear, but you can feel.

So you take your usual electro saw bass like every other track out there and you add some sub bass to it and all the sudden you will have a monster chest vibrating bass.

To do this you simply need to use another oscillator to make a sine wave, and filter it to taste.

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  • 2 weeks later...

intersting fact

the frqency 17HZ is the frequency used in movies that provoke an 'on the edge of your seat/hair stand up on your neck' type feeling. very common in scary movies.

and as a side note. when producing. cut away everything under 20HZ as its a waste of space, it is nor heard and very rarely felt. so cut it all away and save your track energy

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