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The Hercules RMX midi DJ/mixer console


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More to come guys but my RMX showed up today

Haven't plugged it in yet but...

Here are first thoughts

The knobs are very solid, and the sliders seem very precise, in particularly the pitch slider, nice solid middle point. I haven't looked at mapping yet, but let me tell you, there are ALOT of buttons, which I can find some nice uses for. And I like that there is a play cue AND stop, might make use if that extra button when I figure out what's missing.

Speaking of buttons here are my recommendations for how I would change the mapping, 

pitch reset and beat lock... Pft who needs them, I will make them start and end loop so I get my manual loop on, 

sync button... Please... That will now become my master key to keep the pitch at the level I want to loop acapellas in.

1-6 buttons will be my effects and for wet and dry on those I will make it the gain nob, but only when I am holding the effect button down, then on the shift they will be recorded samples :)

The jog wheels don't really feel like you  could scratch, but seem a tad heavy for my liking.

The headphone and mic plugs are on the top corners (on either side), AND on the bottom, this I like, because it covers both senarios, bottom for home mixing so i can prop the laptop above, and top for party mixing when I have more room to put the laptop to the side.

Let's see how I go when I start playing...

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  • 2 weeks later...

So i have smashed out a couple of sets on the RMX, i love it so far, the rock solid metal casing is a bit of a plus as i am a mobile DJ it is alot more forgiven if you throw it around a bit, and there are some major bonuses that this thing has over the cheaper midi controllers.

Setting the thing up was a breeze... IF you want to use it with VDJ, but this has so much more potential that to waste it on a P.O.S program like VDJ is shamefull, please go spend the extra money and get traktor, ableton, serato... ANYTHING other than VDJ. With that said, using it with traktor is a little more difficault, you need to find some mappings, and once you do that you may want to learn how to customise, because i didn't like the way the mapping was set out, don't get me wrong, it wasn't bad, just not set for what I like.

the jog wheels aren't really that responsive, i wouldnt buy this thing to scratch on... they are smooth to touch, but they just don't react that well on VDJ or Traktor, but i guess i am comparing to CDJ's... compared to other midi controllers in it's class the jog wheels are actually pretty high up there, they jog VERY well, i haven't had a fault yet and i am finding that its easy to beatmatch compared to my BCD-3000

on to the buttons, probably the biggest let down on the RMX is it's buttons, they stick out to much and are very easy to miss mash if you don't press it down right in the centre, would've been nice to have a flat button with minimal movement, but i guess the price point just wouldn't allow for it :(, at least they light up, and the fact that there is so many of them makes up for the lack of quality, beacause hey, thats what the jog wheels a for :) and the fact that you can go through your whole music library without touching the computer is a massive bonus too, something i was never able to do with my BCD3000

the knobs and sliders on the RMX are where this thing starts to shine, they are amazing, the only thing i can draw back is the fact that there is no middle point on the EQ knobs, but real DJ's don't need a middle point lol, as i start djing more i find myself using the EQ's in different positions for different songs to accentuate the highs and lows, but seriously, if you love your knobs and sliders then i would go this over any other midi controller for under $500, the pitch is very accurate, the volume knobs don't mind a bit of smash and pull and the crossfader knob has alot of space around it if you want to get your slide on.

the soundcard on it is very powerful, i was able to push my speakers VERY high with only getting the thing to half way... very impressive, can't wait to get some PA's on it and blast some phat tuneski's, there is spots to input to other decks so i can get my CDJ on if wanted and would'nt mind trying this later down the track.

so in conclusion here are the main points


-extremely solid build

-shiny silver finish, and pretty blue lights!

-good audio connection options

-great jog-wheel feel

-tons of knobs and buttons in an intuitive DJ-specific layout

-good song-navigation controls

-Virtual DJ is good software for beginners, but once you are above begginer BUY SOME GOOD SOFTWARE

-easy to use right out of the box


-Virtual DJ software feels limited

-hard to control “scratch” effect

-buttons have too much movement, be careful!

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