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Mapping Traktor


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So far so good.

been doing a little reno on Traktor with my own controllers blah blah.

I want to be able to map out the command for going back to the start of the track. you know the button that looks like |<

anyway i cant find it, i don't even know if its there. feedback pls :D

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i had same issue YSM and never resolved it. Tried cue, cue play etc etc... It doesnt seem traktor has that function at all.

In the end I would do as mitch suggested and map a hot cue at the start of each track.

If I ever forgot to do that and I wanted to get back to the start of a song without physically rewinding I found the only way I could do it was to physically reload the song in that deck.

Not at all like picking up the needle but thems the breax.

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Hey ysm try this page from the traktoR bible guy. You should be able to hover over any button and it tells you what the command is. Half way down the page is deck and it has that button you indicated.

Id tell you exactly what to map it too but is a bit jibeerish but i figured youd understand because youve mapped before.

It is seek position, reset.


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you know eggs, i tried traktorbible first because i every time i have a problem with something like this you find me the link on the site.

... i did not find this. and you did :P

thanks heaps matey not only will that fix my problem but that's a nice little page for future references :D !

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