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Traktor Scratch Duo 2 RECORDING MIXES


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Now, I am aware this has probably been asked a few times and its a very noob move for me to ask again (did a search to no avail)

Can anyone recommend me a way to record my mixes of Scratch Duo, obviously it doesn't come with the record function, I am running a Audio 4, Pionner DJM-250, 2x Stanton t62's & A Macbook 13inch Pro.

I've been googling friously, again, no luck.

Can anyone lay it out in laymans terms for this ghetto thug??

*cough* :trolol:

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hey mate been a while since i looked at it. and im sure some of the more tech or equip cats like wazza or the dude that did the bin speakers (name escapes me right now) can provide better input...

anyways i think your best bit will be to buy a cheap soundcard from dick smith or similar store, and just wire your mixer record outputs to that. and then use audacity to record your set. if i find the time ill link you to some

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-Run an RCA to 3.5mm cable from the record out on your mixer to the 3.5mm port on your MacBook.

-Set 3.5mm port on MacBook to force as a line in (system preferences -> sound)

-open audacity (get it if you don't have it), choose your soundcard as input device. Hit record in audacity and set your gains so they don't clip, then you're sweet.

Hope this helps

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