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cairo - beige (jonny b remix) preview


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this is what ive got so far, probaly going to change most of it, not happy with where the bass is going. but this is what im going to work from, im going try make a real UK grime type dubstep track.. see how i go.

EDIT: took link down cause waveform isnt created, ill put it back in when its done

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cool man. Mine was coming along fucking sweet, until my pc lagged up like a fuckin hore because of the layering in Ableton. So now im trying to fix it, if i cant... im fucked... or i will go with a different genre. which sucks, i cant make the song i want cus my pc isnt powerful enough

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not sure how this would go but try making a certain loop, save it as a wav and import it as a wav file.

that what i do sometime with my basslines, cause my pc can only manage 3 instance of massive with out shitting itself, ill make the bassline i wont, when im prefectly happy with it save is as a wav and import the audio file.

i almost want to fight my self though after i change my mind about it and the audio is useless haha

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  • 3 weeks later...

hey man. chris is right that bit at 0.55 is like a kick in the face, esp. knowing the chilledness of the orig.

but what comes next was good.

the come back of the same sequence at 2.30 maybe could of done with some difference. maybe the keys. what happened to the keys.

EDIT: kick in the face in a good way (if there is such a thing)

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