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Shareware/Free DAW?


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I dont thief so please don't recommend a crack or illegal download.

I need to sort a DAW for a school. The school staff thought their machines were Mac so I was planning under the assumption they would have garageband. Turns out the school computers are all PC and their staff are computer illiterate.

Anyone know of a free to use/shareware DAW for windows which comes with a loop library?

The kids I will work with on this project are young (8-9yrs old) and the project is basically just choosing loops and creating an arrangement. It would be nice to progress after that and poss try recording vox or programming some midi patterns but for now beggars can't be choosers.

If there are no free/shareware DAWs can anyone recommend a basic and cheap one? I've been looking at Mixcraft 5, Reaper and Acid Xpress so anyone with experience of those please let me know how stable it is, how big/useful the loop library is, and how straightforward the workflow is.

Thanks in advance

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FL Studio, Ableton and i think most other DAWs come with a 30 day free trial, there fully functional/featured/full library except in the demo version of FL Studio you cant save the project your working on, although you can still export it as a mp3 or something.

cant speak for demo version of ableton cause i used it for about 5 seconds

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I've used acid at school a couple of times, didn't like it that much (this was years and years ago though). It could have changed a fair bit by now.

I'm behind on win software as I don't use win much anymore, but I've heard of mixcraft and reaper.. If you have access to a win computer dl these and try them out?

Can't remember which one it was (mixcraft or reaper) but one of them had a similar layout to GarageBand

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Cheers guys,

yer mixcraft is the one that looks like garageband.

30 day trials wont cut it unfortunatley, otherwise I'd def go with ableton. The school want to be left with the software as a legacy of the project.

On paper Acid express is the only totally free one. Anyone got any 1st hand knowledge of that?

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^i cant see a production/DAW on there mate? they have a VDJ style copy for live mixing but i need something more like garage band... unless i'm missing something in, as you said, all the bullshit on that site.

cheers tho.

I feel a new thread is needed to be more specific.

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