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true in some ways... yes they do bring in a lot of money. but they also cost us a lot. look at all the health problrms cigs cause. they are almost always long, painful..expensive deaths.

if the govt could raise the money some other way (or save it) and slowly ween us off cigs. it would work.

billions on the war, billions on fucking boat ppl?! the money is there, we're just spending it the wrong way

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yeah but to go off on a rag about cigarettes is just stupid, I mean people are aloud to get so fucked up drunk and vomit in the middle of the dance floor and not get kicked out, but a smoker cant go outside and enjoy a smoke without getting filthy looks. Everything is bad for you, drinking, eating meat, not eating meat, going in the sun, not going in the sun, but smokers get this bandwagon of hate just cause they put a couple of ads on the tele. Fuckin dumb.

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yeah but the thing is man, all the things you mentioned that are bad for you, we also need to live, smoking dosent actually do anything good to your body, sun gives you cancer, but with out sun there would be no life at all. Drinking isnt the best for you, apparently 1 glass of wine a night is healthy for you though or something. Eating the right amount of meat is perfect to get protien, eating to much meat or not enough i guess is bad for you.

but smoking full stop is bad, nothing good about it cept a nicotine hit. which why when i really think about it im pretty pissed its got me, tried quiting a few times, but going to the city almost every weekend dont help that haha.

I never look down on smokers, not even before i started and never will, always thought each to their own,

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