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External Hot Cue Pad


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Was wondering, does this already exist or would it be possible to make an External Hot Cue Pad to plug into the USB port on either the top or back of a CDJ to work exactly like 1000's and 2000's hot cue's?

So many whales would buy this i recon

pretty much this, wicked paint skills i know 8)


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maybe it will work...by usb into the p.c input by HID midi

take a lot of $$$ and time to make it work

a better way would be to use a laptop into the CDJ pc input by HID midi ( no time code needed ) and get a set off novation dicers

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yer i think pioneer missed a trick when they replaced hot cues with auto loops.

novation dicer FTW in this scenario.

-would be good to have a standalone unit without the need for a laptop tho, good thinking djaz.

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yeh that was my main concern, needing a laptop and software...i want it to be completely reliant on the CDJ though...o well i doubt i could built 1 haha

and Dim, its all marketing man, it makes people buy the cdj2000

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dont even know how it works but im just having a random stab. maybe you can mod the firmware update it. have some kind of "shift" button and then press it for hot cues, or the other way around :)

but then again you would need to do heaps of shit to doso. but worth a look at if you can view the code and have a mate that can do it.

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How about this, install cdj2000 firmware on a cdj 850 and it will think it has hot cue's, then either program the external pad in or maybe it will just think the auto loops on the left are hot cue buttons...


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How about this, install cdj2000 firmware on a cdj 850 and it will think it has hot cue's, then either program the external pad in or maybe it will just think the auto loops on the left are hot cue buttons...


i think you should save up for 2000s...

or get 3700s, they have those

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i think if tht were the case everyone would do that man

yeh but maybe no 1 has tried it lol, im not game to try it incase it fucks something haha

and im not gonna spend an extra $2000 on 2000's just for hot cue's haha, if i want them that bad ill just buy a cheap as 1000 mk1 or mk2 for like $400 haha

thanks for the input guys, was just brainstorming :P

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fuk knows.

good idea is good idea tho.

Write it up and send to pioneer as a suggestion but also send a copy to yourself. DO NOT OPEN YOUR COPY, keep it somewhere safe and the postmark on it will act as proof of when you offered the idea out... that way if they ever do release it without admitting you came up with it you'll have a point to make in court if you want to take it that far.

It may not mean shit and it may not be worth shit but as far as i know that's the most you can do without getting investment and trying to DIY it.

Of course, this doesnt guarantee they havent already thought of it but not put it into production yet.

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cheers dim, but i doubt pioneer would want to build 1 as it would make there marketing pointless, if people can just buy a hot cue pad everyone would just get 900's instead of the much more expensive 2000 haha

o well, maybe in the future

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