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Help me choose a DJ laptop before boxing day!


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Great points gandy and tubby!

(asus and hp are my personal faves too!)

I thought I might just say that they are pretty major errors robsta, to the point where it is almost un usable (Due to reliably)

(2.1.1) Muti core bugs

MAJOR cpu spikes (Even with the worst latency settings)

High cpu usage in general

Time code not being recognised

Music stuttering (due to high cpu usage)

(2.0.3) Multi core bugs

Decks unloading tracks up to 5 times continuously (The big one)


These bugs have been reported by multiple people

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Oh for the love of god, do not do osx on windows.

It is the most un reliable thing in existence, and half your hardware probably wont be supported. Also if your cpu doesn't support hardware virtualisation your stuffed, And that if your running it in VMware (which spits your cpu and ram)

Hackntosh is even more un-reliable, and has even less compatibility.

I've tried every possible way to get any of these to work properly on 3 different machines all different makes and hardware with out even the slightest win.

Putting osx on windows is totally un-nessasary, your best to stick to windows.

(p.s. i've tried it with the computer you linked in the first page, it isn't compatible, the only computer they have got it to work 100% with is a dell mini 9, and even then it's still not reliable)

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