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Effect tips?


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So I got myself a Pioneer DJM2000 and holy fuck it shits on my old mixer. I figured how to use effects on the machine itself, but I'm still trying to not-suck at adding effects to the mix. Does anyone have any solid, "you must know this" kind of advice to impart with a humble idiot?

Also, if you could give me some tips and tricks for the "remix" function on the touch screen I'd be grateful, but that isn't a priority right now.

Cheers boys.

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Simple rule; less is more.

i.e. dont use effects all the time, and definitely dont use the same effect all the time.

Personally I like to use:

a high pass filter to add interest to a fade out towards the end of a long beatmatch in EDM.

an Echo if I'm going to do something like a cut or spinback that involves a nice pregnant pause before dropping a bomb.

a Delay if I'm cutting reggae.

"Roll" which I think is similar to what is sometimes called "beat repeat" if I need to create my own crescendo during a beatmatch.

Younger lads on here should have heaps more ideas about specific effects to suit your gear.

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^haha, it's all about the timing ey ;)

anyway hiroshi: one other tip: while you're practising experiment/be original and record your experiments as much as possible. You can hear a lot more of what you've done when you listen back than when you are in the mix, and this will better inform you if your ideas are really working or not.

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I think my question was worded poorly. How do I better time and manage my effects? Or do I just count in my head like I've been doing to varying degrees of success? I've been aware of the "less is more" rule for some time and I'm trying to abide by it, although I do go on the occasional filter/roll/jet binge just for kicks because they give me a boner. I'm watching other DJs and trying to learn their techniques so I can adapt them to my own style/tastes and make more dynamic mixes. I'm having great success in some areas and failing miserably in others. Like sampling. I'll get there eventually, but at the moment lining up and timing a sample is a bit hectic for me and it usually just comes out super-sloppy.

As for recording I'd much rather record and upload and let you guys tear me to shreds. To hazard a guess I'd say there is about than 100 years experience between all the regulars so if anyone is going to give a fair, expert opinion it will be you lot. And hell, just sitting here reading the first post you made has given me a few ideas I never had. So that's a win.

I have another very noob question: I've got my pet favourite YouTube DJs, and I've based a bit of my technique on their mixing style somewhat. All my friends have an opinion on them of course, but none of my friends are DJs. So are Cotts and Ravine decent examples of DJing or are they hopeless hacks? If the latter, can someone point me to some good hardcore DJs?

Argh, I have too many questions for one thread. Time to hit the forum harder methinks.



That's the beast I'm using. I don't think it will help showing you that, but it caused an overnight improvement in my mixing so I'm happy to have it.

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Effects are usually pretty shit, auto filters can be useful, echo goes alright...the noise effect on the 900 Is also good for builds...but other then that I won't really use any others

the filters on an X:one 92 are good. Only effect I ever use really.. that and a bit of delay.

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