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my Mac is a heap. help.


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its almost dead to me. lol.

current issues are. - extreme difficulty starting up. having to boot in safe mode then restart to get it to normally boot. I have cleared all the login items. which didn't help.

tried to back up. nek minute disk is corrupt and all fucked up. Wont even recognize the external hard drive. should i re format and loose all my past back ups? i can still enter time machine with it plugged it.

this is my first mac so i'm not 100% sure of some standard processes with fixing this sort of shit.

any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Do you have another computer?

Take out the HD, (Tutorials on youtube, take the screw out on an angle) if 13' pro

nek get a $10 2.5 hard drive enclosure from msy or somewhere else.

then put the enclosure board onto the hd, and plug into the other comp

now install mac drive on that comp (If pc)


now backup everything you need

put hd back in

Run an OSX lion, snow leopard, or the cd's you got with the thing, holding alt when you boot so you can select an option

(Note, if there is nothing you want to recover skip to the last step, I think re installing the OS preserves your files but just to be on the safe side)

(Note this was written while dead on the train to work, there may be some inconsistencies and such, il fix it when I'm awake)

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Yeah i've never really endorsed mac. this is my first one it cost a dick load TBH. I could have got a faster PC for half the cost. i've had it for about a year and its fucked.

Should still be under warranty, take it to apple and get a "genius" too look at it...

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Yeah i've never really endorsed mac. this is my first one it cost a dick load TBH. I could have got a faster PC for half the cost. i've had it for about a year and its fucked.

Must just be unlucky. I've been using mac for about 7 or 8 years now and never had a problem.

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