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Looks pretty mad.

Too ahead of its time though IMO. Clubs are filled with CDJs and turntable, meaning you'd have to be a high end DJ with the ability to make requests for gigs.

Price wise, awesome value. Makes me think the phyical unit is shithouse tbh. That mixer had too many features to be that cheap, unless of course its build quality was poor.

I'd wait for a second version.

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Looks pretty mad.

Too ahead of its time though IMO. Clubs are filled with CDJs and turntable, meaning you'd have to be a high end DJ with the ability to make requests for gigs.

Price wise, awesome value. Makes me think the phyical unit is shithouse tbh. That mixer had too many features to be that cheap, unless of course its build quality was poor.

I'd wait for a second version.

Kontrol X1 is also cheap, but it's solid as

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  • 2 months later...

funky steve, thats ean golden frm djtechtools he makes any midi controller look easy. plus i believe he was involved at a design or at the very least a testin level.

gandy your exact sentence were what i, and all my friends inthe scene, and all the dj fraternity said when we saw cdj's. and for many years they were referred to as toys and anyone who used them as toy djs.

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gandy your exact sentence were what i, and all my friends inthe scene, and all the dj fraternity said when we saw cdj's. and for many years they were referred to as toys and anyone who used them as toy djs.

I agree with Gandy in that this particular piece of hardware looks like a plastic toy but I think you have a point.

If all-in-one midi controllers become mainstream in the near future, I guess you'll start to see "top of the line" models which are built to look sexy and professional.

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looks like a little plastic toy hope this is not the future :S

i'd so use this shit if i was doing mobile gigs and parties

it's just too easy

safe, compact, portable, light, less equipment etc

That's what I'm thinking.

I need to update my mobile rig, so this plus the discounted software could be the way to go.

And it looks like you can do most of the functions and effects that a $3000 Pioneer combo can do.

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now im not saying every single club is going to have these as standard and chuck things away.

just as cdj's became industry standard, a lot of clubs still keep tt's onboard.

but i wouldnt be surprised to start seeing (and did see it at arthouse last friday) MIDI controllers of some sort, not necessarily these, sneaking there way in.

whats interesting is 90's dj's like norman cook, said while cdj's will make djing accessible to the masses they will never become industry standard. dont they look pretty stupid now.

but then again he in particualar also said DVS's wouldnt work....

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I would laugh if some fool used this in a club. He'd have to be doing something pretty fuckin sweet to justify it

You mean like in the video above?

I'm sure if you got a super hot demo that you did using this set-up and the club wanted you for your music ability, they'd probably be accepted. Especially with it being Traktor brand it might give it extra cred.

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