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Setting up a 4Ch Mixer

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hey hey

got a gig on the weekend using a 4channel mixer, which i have never used before

from what i can gather the cross fader if pushed all the way to the right will play the 2 right channels, and if pushed to the left will play the 2 left channels, and if left in the middle it will play all 4 channels (is that correct?)

so when i set up the mixer should i set it up that i only use the two left/right most channels and leave the cross fader to the one side (i only use volume faders to mix). or should i use the left most channel and right most channel and leave the cross fader in the middle.

cheers guys

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I might just quickly explain it anyway


This is an 800, but the same thing still apply's.

See just above the cross fader, those little switches with A B and THRU on them?

Pushing it to the left will assign it to the left side of the cross fader, pushing it to the right will assign it to the right side.

You can have more than one channel on one side.

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in answer to OP, i'd make every channel thru and just use the volume faders rather than the cross fader.

if you ever need to use the cross fader throughout your mix, just flick the switches accordingly and assign which ever channels you like to either side (A or B)

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